The film has a discontinuous storyline, starting midway through the story, just after the second term of junior high school begins, then flashes back to the first term and summer vacation, and then skips back to the present. Rewatch Value 8.0 Painfully beautiful, chaotically organized - if I had to sum up this movie in the shortest way, that’s what I would say.
Never have I seen such a contrast between a form and substance of one movie. The substance – full of brutality, mindless violence and helplessness, against the form – breathtaking shots and subtle, soothing music (my discovery of the movie - Debussy’s Arabesque!), makes this movie really disturbing and unforgettable. #All about lily chou chou english sub movie# This dissonance is sickening, but also brilliant and makes the film different from anything I’ve seen so far.Īnother thing worth mentioning – chronology of All About Lily Chou Chou. #All about lily chou chou english sub code#Īt first, nothing makes absolutely no sense, we have no idea what is happening, not to mention why do all those things happen at all.#All about lily chou chou english sub movie#.