CVC 22500.1– Parking in a fire lane– Fine amount $113.00 Advertencia Es illegal que una persona se detenga, se estacione o deje el vehículo en cualquier acera designada como carril de bomberos por el departamento de bomberos, que está marcado con pintura roja.1-3/8' bold red lettering 2-3/8' bold white lettering on red reflectorized paint background 1-3/8' bold red lettering 1' bold red lettering 1' bold red lettering on white reflectorized paint.
sign painted with white reflectorized paint including fasteners, typ. cvc 22658(a) cvc 22500.1 towing company name towing company phone # 16 Repot of the joint UNDPAMd Dan* Energ Sector Managemet Assitance Pmroam This document has a restricted distribution. 089/88 Country: sAN ARAB REPUBLIC Activt: ELecTRIC PowI EPPICIBscy sTuDY SEPTEMBER 1988 ,SU tJI j'1 L. Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Activity Completion Report No.